What is Ping4Good?
As a business, Ping Identity helps organizations protect their employees and customers across every digital interaction. But while our core mission is building software that helps keep people and businesses safe online, that’s just part of the bigger picture of building a safer, happier world for everyone.
To that end, we’re committed to building a purpose-led brand that helps make an impact. When you work with Ping, you’re not just investing in software—you’re helping us work towards positive changes that will impact lives and communities around the world.
With all that in mind, last December we launched Ping4Good, a program that aims to channel our passion for diversity, inclusion, and sustainability—plus the contributions of our employees, customers, and partners—to support important social and environmental causes.
Our first big project was to plant 26,000 trees across Rwanda, Peru, South Africa, and parts of Northern Africa. That partnership is now starting to bear beautiful fruit. To take a closer look, here’s how we’re supporting community employment, sustainability, and reforestation in Rwanda.