Global Privacy Statements

Ping Identity Privacy Statements

Last Updated: October 9, 2023

At Ping Identity we understand that while your privacy may be important to us, it is even more important to you, which we assume is why you are here reading this. First off, we want to welcome you to our site, and we appreciate you taking the time to read our Privacy Statement. If you take anything away from this Statement, please let it be this: we are committed not only to protecting your privacy but also to respecting your rights. If you have any questions or want to contact our Privacy Officer, you can always email the Ping Identity privacy team at

This information is being provided by Ping Identity Corporation for itself and its affiliates, (collectively, “Ping Identity”).

Ping Identity
1001 17th Street
Suite 100
Denver, CO 80202 USA

Please note that we process personal information both for our own purposes (as a “controller”) and in connection with our identity and access management solutions. When processing data for customers in connection with our solutions, we act as a data processor (also known as a service provider or contractor) for our customers with respect to the information pertaining to their employees, consumers or end users captured by our solutions. We classify the personal information processed in connection with our solutions as “Customer Data.” We are deeply committed to protecting Customer Data and we have a dedicated Customer Data Privacy Statement that explains our practices when we are a data processor.

Ping Identity Privacy Statement

This Privacy Statement describes our practices with respect to the personal information we collect from professionals and other individuals who interact with us directly, such as visitors to and other Ping Identity websites.

1. Our Collection, Use and Disclosure of Personal Information

Ping Identity collects personal information from individuals who interact with us directly through our online sites, mobile apps or at trade shows, or business meetings. We only collect personal information when we have a legal basis for doing so.

“Personal Information” or “PI” is any information that can be used to identify, locate or contact you. It also includes other information that may be associated with your name or other identifiers. The chart below describes the categories of personal information we collect, the sources of that information, the reasons we collect it, and the types of people to whom we may disclose the information.

Please note that we may use and disclose any personal information for our “Everyday Business Purposes” as permitted by law. We may also disclose any personal information to our affiliates and to the service providers and contractors that need to use the information to provide services to us. We have contracts with these companies that require them to protect our information and to comply with law. We may also disclose any information if we have your consent or when required by law, such as in response to a subpoena or to law enforcement agencies and courts in the United States and other countries where we operate.

We do not sell any personal information for monetary consideration. We share personal information for online targeted advertising, including cross-contextual behavioral advertising, as indicated in the chart. You can opt-out of this sharing at any time by exercising Your Privacy Choices.

1 Everyday Business Purposes encompasses the Business Purposes (as defined by California law) and following related purposes for which any personal information may processed:

Contact Information
Representative Data Elements
  • Your name, previous names and preferred names
  • Business or residential mailing address
  • Email address
  • Work, home or mobile telephone numbers
We collect this information from you and from third party data suppliers, such as services that provide sales leads. We may also obtain your information from publicly available sources, such as LinkedIn. We may use a service provider to update or standardize mailing addresses.
Primary Purposes for Collecting
We use contact information to identify you and communicate with you by mail, email, telephone or text about your employment, including sending you transactional messages (such as confirmation) and commercial messages (such as marketing). Contact information is also used to personalize our communications, such as by using your preferred name.
Categories of Recipients
We disclose contact information to our service providers, contractors and others, such as couriers and telecommunications providers who delivery our communications.
Government-issued Identification Numbers
Representative Data Elements
  • Social security number
  • Tax ID number
We collect this information from you.
Primary Purposes for Collecting
We use this type of information for identity verification and legal compliance, such as reporting payments made to suppliers, partners or influencers as required by law.
Categories of Recipients
We disclose this information to service providers and contractors and others, such as payment processors, auditors and government agencies.
Biometric Identifiers
Representative Data Elements
  • Fingerprint, voice print, retina or iris image, or other unique physical representation
  • Mathematical representation of your biometric identifier, such as the template maintained for comparison
We do not collect biometric identifiers, but we offer authorization products that allow an individual to be authenticated (e.g., FaceID, iTouch). If you use these solutions, biometric data may be stored on your device.
Primary Purposes for Collecting
We use biometric identifiers to help us identify and authenticate you, for security and similar purposes (such as fraud detection and prevention).
Categories of Recipients
We disclose biometric identifiers to our service providers, contractors and others, such as cybersecurity firms, law firms or government agencies, if we detect misconduct.
Other Unique Identifiers
Representative Data Elements
  • Company-issued ID numbers, such as account numbers or loyalty program numbers
  • System identifiers (e.g., usernames or online credentials)
  • Device identifiers
  • Advertising identifiers
We assign a unique identification number to you when you become a customer or a supplier. We collect device identifiers and other unique identifiers from your devices and from our websites, apps and platforms, which use cookies and other data collection technologies.
Primary Purposes for Collecting
We use unique identifiers to identify you or your device, including to associate you with different devices that you may use, for internal record-keeping and reporting, including for data matching and analytics, and to track your interactions with us, including for ad delivery and personalization.
Categories of Recipients
We disclose these identifiers to our service providers, contractors and others, such as entities that assist with our information technology programs (such as website hosting companies) or administer promotions. We may also disclose these identifiers to auditors and companies that assist with security and fraud prevention.

Advertising identifiers are shared with third parties as part of our online advertising programs. You can opt out of this sharing by exercising Your Privacy Choices.
Business to Business Relationship Information
Representative Data Elements

We collect “B2B” information about professionals associated with our customers, suppliers and partners in the context of our commercial relationships. This includes:

  • Professional affiliations, such as your employer and information about your role
  • Information about your authority to use our products and place orders, and about your product usage, customer service, training and related records
  • Professional interests and credentials
  • Information collected for supplier qualification, supplier diversity programs
  • Preference information, including marketing and communication preferences
If you are a professional, we collect this type of information from you and from your company. We also collect B2B data from publicly available sources, such as LinkedIn, or from third parties, such as data brokers, trade associations or trade shows.
Primary Purposes for Collecting
We use this type of information to fulfill our business relationship with you and/or our commercial partner. We also use it to develop and maintain our relationship with you, including by sending you marketing communications, personalized offers and invitations, and for internal business purposes, such as customer service, quality control, training, reporting and analytics, risk management and compliance.
Categories of Recipients
We may disclose this type of information to our service providers and contractors, to the company you work for, and other companies (such as your company’s affiliates and service providers), as needed for the commercial relationship, such as including your information on purchases that you authorize or completing satisfaction surveys from your company.
Customer Relationship Information
Representative Data Elements

We collect personal information about individual consumers in the context of our direct relationships with them. This includes:

  • Personal characteristics, such as age, marital and family status, hobbies and interests
  • Product and shopping preferences
  • Communications, marketing and privacy preferences
  • Loyalty and rewards program data
  • Household demographic data, including from real estate records and census data
  • Data from social media profiles, such as Facebook, Twitter and similar platforms
If you are a consumer, we collect this type of information from you and from other sources. For example, we may collect publicly available information about you from social media platforms. We may collect additional information from companies that provide information that helps us understand our customers, including data brokers and public records providers. We may also infer information about you based on information that you have given us and your past interactions with us and other companies.
Primary Purposes for Collecting
We use this type of information to better understand you and to understand our customers generally, to design products, services and programs that appeal to our customers, including loyalty programs, to identify prospective customers and for internal business purposes, such as marketing, quality control, training and analytics.
Categories of Recipients
We disclose consumer information to our service providers and contractors. As permitted by law, we may disclose consumer information to marketing partners and companies with whom we have similar relationships. While we do not sell consumer information for monetary consideration, consumer information may be shared with third parties as part of our online advertising programs. You can opt out of this sharing by exercising Your Privacy Choices.
Transaction Information
Representative Data Elements
  • Customer and supplier account information, qualification data, purchase history and related records (returns, records of payments, credits etc.)
  • Records related to downloads and purchases of products applications, including website and app usage and records relating to in-app purchases
  • Customer service records
  • Logs, such as visitor logs, server logs, and similar records

We collect this type of information from you and (if you are a professional) from your company. We receive this type of information from our service providers and contractors and from other companies, such as our payment processors, resellers or agents.

We may collect this information automatically when you visit our facilities or use our websites or apps. For example, our apps automatically log access requests, downloads and other transactions.

Primary Purposes for Collecting
We use this type of information to fulfill our business relationship with you and/or your company, including for customer service, recordkeeping, compliance, and dispute resolution, and to administer programs, such as promotions and influencer programs. We also use this information for our internal business purposes, such as finance, quality control, training, reporting and analytics, and for risk management, fraud prevention and similar purposes.
Categories of Recipients
We disclose transaction information to our service providers, contractors and others, such as to other entities as needed to complete the transaction, including delivery companies, agents and manufacturers, and to our auditors, financial institutions, and government agencies. If you are a professional, we may disclose this information to your company.
Financial Information
Representative Data Elements
  • Bank account number and details
  • Payment card information
We collect this type of information from you and from our service providers, financial institutions and payment processors.
Primary Purposes for Collecting
We use financial information to fulfill our business relationship with you, such as processing payments, issuing refunds and collections, and for internal business purposes, such as finance functions, audits, fraud prevention and compliance.
Categories of Recipients
We disclose financial information to our service providers, contractors and others, such as payment processors, financial institutions, auditors and government agencies.
Health Information
Representative Data Elements
  • Information needed to accommodate disabilities
  • Information about workplace accidents and occupational safety
We may collect health information from you if you need assistance accessing our products, services or facilities. We may collect this health information from you and from others, such as in connection with a workplace accident.
Primary Purposes for Collecting
We use health data to accommodate disabilities and enable accessibility of our products, services and facilities, and for occupational health and safety programs and other internal business purposes, such as risk management and compliance.
Categories of Recipients
We disclose health information to our service providers, contractors and others, such as healthcare providers, insurers, first responders (in the event of an emergency), or government agencies. We may also disclose health information to others if needed to provide you with an accommodation.
Online & Technical Information
Please read our statement about Cookies & Online Privacy for additional information.
Representative Data Elements
  • IP address
  • Device identifiers and other information about devices that connect to our networks
  • Precise geolocation data from your device
  • System and server logs, including access logs
  • Data from cookies, pixel tags or other online tools
We collect this type of information from your computer or devices when you interact with our platforms, websites and applications. For example, when you visit our websites, our server logs record your IP address and other information. We may also receive this information from third parties, including computer security services and advertising partners.
Primary Purposes for Collecting
We use technical information for system administration, technology management, including optimizing our websites and applications, and for information security and cybersecurity purposes, including detecting threats to our networks and systems.

We may use precise geolocation data to provide location-based services within our products. We may also use this information for information security and fraud prevention, and for internal business purposes, such as analytics.

We also use online and technical information for personalization, to better understand our customers and prospective customers and to enhance our relationship information, including by associating you with different devices and browsers, and for online targeting and advertising purposes.
Categories of Recipients
We may disclose this type of information to our service providers and contractors, and others such as companies that support our information technology and cybersecurity programs. We do not share precise geolocation data, but other Online and Technical Information may be shared with third parties as part of our online advertising programs. You can opt out of this sharing by exercising Your Privacy Choices.
Audio Visual Information
Representative Data Elements
  • Photograph
  • Video images, videoconference records
  • CCTV recordings
  • Call center recordings and call monitoring records
  • Voicemails
We collect this type of information from you and from publicly available sources, such as social media sites. We may also collect this information automatically, such as when we record calls to our call center and use CCTV cameras in our facilities.
Primary Purposes for Collecting
We use this type of information for internal business purposes, such as call recordings used for training, quality control, and compliance. We also use these data for relationship purposes, such as use of photos and videos for social media purposes or sentiment analytics, and for security purposes and loss prevention.
Categories of Recipients
We may disclose this type of information to our service providers and contractors that support our information technology, security, and loss prevention programs.
IoT Data
Representative Data Elements
  • IoT device identifiers
We collect these data elements automatically when you use connected devices.
Primary Purposes for Collecting
We use these data to enable customers to authenticate a device. We also use this data for compliance and risk management purposes
Categories of Recipients
We disclose this information to our customers, service providers, contractors and others, such as government agencies.
Inferred and Derived Information
Representative Data Elements
  • Propensities, attributes and/or scores generated by internal analytics programs and used for marketing
  • Propensities, attributes and/or scores generated by internal analytics programs and used for information security and fraud purposes
We create inferred and derived data elements by analyzing other data, such as our relationship information, transactional information and online and technical information.
Primary Purposes for Collecting
We combine inferred data with other relationship information and use this type of information to better understand you and to understand our customers generally, to design products, services and programs that appeal to our customers, including loyalty programs, to identify prospective customers and for internal business purposes, such as quality control, training and analytics. We use inferred data to improve our security and fraud detection models.
Categories of Recipients
We disclose derived information to our service providers, contractors and others, such as management consulting firms and security firms.
Children’s Data
We do not knowingly collect, use or disclose any personal information of children under 16.
Compliance Data
Representative Data Elements
  • Compliance program data, including customer screening records, and other record maintained to demonstrate compliance with applicable laws, such as tax laws, product safety laws, licensing laws, etc.
  • Occupational and environmental safety records
  • Intellectual property protection program records
  • Records relating to complaints and internal investigations
  • Records related to the exercise of privacy rights
  • Records related to security incidents, including any security breach notifications
  • Records maintained by the company legal department
We collect compliance data from you and from our providers, contractors, and others, such as screening companies, investigators, legal advisors and government agencies. We may generate compliance records internally, such as when we document a workplace event.
Primary Purposes for Collecting
We use compliance data for internal governance, corporate ethics programs, institutional risk management, reporting, demonstrating compliance and accountability externally, and as needed for litigation and defense of claims.
Categories of Recipients
We disclose compliance to our service providers, contractors and others, such as auditors, investigators, lawyers, advisors, government agencies and others as required by law.

Please note that we may also use and disclose information about you that is not personally identifiable. For example, we may publish reports or create products that contain de-identified, aggregated or statistical data. These reports and products do not contain any information that would enable the recipient to contact, locate or identify you.

2. Your Privacy Rights and How to Exercise Them

Ping Identity respects your rights to access, correct and request erasure or restriction of your personal data as required by law. Depending on your country or state of residence, these rights may include:

To learn more about the specific rights that you have and to exercise your rights, please visit our privacy rights portal at Your Privacy Choices. You can also contact the Ping Identity Privacy Office at

Please understand that these rights are subject to some limitations. For example, we may require documentation to support certain corrections to your information, and we generally cannot restrict or delete personal information in those situations where our retention is required for our internal business purposes or to comply with law.

We will not retaliate against you if you exercise your privacy rights.

3. Analytics, Profiling and Automated Decision-Making

We may use analytics to understand how individuals interact with our products, websites and apps. These analytics products allow us to improve our products and give us insights for product development and personalization. We also use analytics for security and fraud prevention. Other than as described in our Career Center Privacy Statement, we do not use profiling or automated decision-making tools to make decisions that produce legal or similarly significant legal effects for you; any such decisions are subject to human review.

4. Information Security

We have an information security program that is reasonably designed to protect the confidentiality and security of all the personal information that is entrusted to us. Our security safeguards protect against unauthorized access, improper use, alteration, destruction or accidental loss. Our service providers and data processors are contractually required to implement appropriate security controls.

5. Data Retention

We will retain your personal information for as long as the information is needed for the purposes listed above and for any additional period that may be required or permitted by law, such as for business, legal, accounting, or reporting requirements. The length of time your personal information is retained depends on the purpose(s) for which it was collected, how it is used, and the requirements we have under applicable laws. If you would like us to delete your personal information, please see Your Privacy Choices for information about how to submit a deletion request. If we do not have a legal basis for retaining your information, we will delete it as required by applicable law.

6. International Transfers of Personal Information

Ping Identity is a global family of companies, headquartered in the United States. If you reside outside the US, your personal information may be processed or stored in the United States or other countries which may not have equivalent privacy or data protection laws. However, regardless of where your personal information is transferred, we will protect it in accordance with this Privacy Policy and applicable law.

Where required, we use approved Standard Contractual Clauses and other approved data transfer mechanisms to assure that personal data is adequately protected. Please contact the Ping Identity Privacy Office at if you would like more information about cross-border transfers or to obtain a copy of any applicable Standard Contractual Clauses.

7. Our Commitment to Data Privacy Framework

Ping Identity complies with the EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework Principles (EU-U.S. DPF), the UK Extension to the EU-U.S. DPF, and the Swiss-U.S. Data Privacy Framework (Swiss-U.S. DPF) as set forth by the U.S. Department of Commerce regarding the collection, use, and retention of personal information transferred from the European Union and Switzerland to the United States. Ping Identity has certified to the U.S. Department of Commerce that it adheres to the EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework Principles (EU-U.S. DPF Principles) with regard to the processing of personal data received from the European Union in reliance on the EU-U.S. DPF and from the United Kingdom (and Gibraltar) in reliance on the UK Extension to the EU-U.S. DPF. Ping Identity has certified to the U.S. Department of Commerce that it adheres to the Swiss-U.S. Data Privacy Framework Principles (Swiss-U.S. DPF Principles) with regard to the processing of personal data received from Switzerland in reliance on the Swiss-U.S. DPF. If there is any conflict between the terms in this privacy policy and the EU-U.S. DPF Principles and/or the Swiss-U.S. DPF Principles, the Principles shall govern To learn more about the Data Privacy Framework program, please visit To view our Data Privacy Framework certification, please visit

In compliance with the EU-U.S. DPF, the UK Extension to the EU-U.S. DPF, and the Swiss-U.S. DPF, Ping Identity commits to cooperate and comply, respectively, with the advice of the panel established by the EU data protection authorities (DPAs), the UK Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) and the Gibraltar Regulatory Authority (GRA), and the Swiss Federal Data Protection and Information Commissioner (FDPIC) with regard to unresolved complaints concerning our handling of personal data received in reliance on the EU-U.S. DPF, the UK Extension to the EU-U.S. DPF, and the Swiss-U.S. DPF.

The United States Federal Trade Commission has jurisdiction over Ping Identity’s compliance with the EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework (EU-U.S. DPF) and the UK Extension to the EU-U.S. DPF, and the Swiss-U.S. Data Privacy Framework (Swiss-U.S. DPF).

Individuals have the possibility, under certain conditions, to invoke binding arbitration for complaints regarding Data Privacy Framework compliance not resolved by any of the other DPF mechanisms. See the link to Annex I of the DPF Principles for additional information:

Ping Identity may have liability in the case of onward transfers to third parties.

If you have an inquiry or a complaint regarding our Data Privacy Framework compliance program, please contact us via email to We will respond within 45 days.

Ping Identity may be required to disclose personal information in response to lawful requests by public authorities, including to meet national security or law enforcement requirements.

8. Information for Job Applicants and Staff

If you are a prospective, current, or former Ping Identity employee, your personal information is used for customary human resources purposes. Job applicants can read our Career Center Privacy Statement. You can also contact the Ping Identity Privacy Office at for more information about our HR Privacy Program or visit our privacy rights portal at Your Privacy Choices to learn how to exercise your privacy rights.

9. Links to Other Websites

Our websites contain links to other websites for your convenience and information. We may also provide links that allow you to access and interact with other companies that are not affiliated with Ping Identity, such as our partners. When you intentionally interact with another company through these links, that company’s own policy will govern the personal information that you provide. We suggest you review each company’s privacy policies before you submit personal information to them. We are not responsible for the privacy practices of companies that are not affiliated with Ping Identity.

10. Changes in Ownership

If Ping Identity is involved in a merger, acquisition, or sale of all or a portion of its assets, you will be notified via email and/or a prominent notice on our website of any change in ownership or uses of your Personal Information, as well as any choices you may have regarding your Personal Information.

11. Updates to our Privacy Policy

We may update this Privacy Policy from time to time. We will post an alert online if the changes are material, and we will use good faith efforts to post these changes at least 30 days before they come into effect. If the changes will materially affect the way we use personal information that we have already collected, we will notify you.

Cookies and Online Privacy Statement

When you visit our website or use our mobile applications, we collect certain information by automated means, using technologies such as cookies, pixel tags, browser analysis tools, server logs and web beacons. In many cases, the information we collect using cookies and other tools is only used in a non-identifiable way. For example, we use information we collect about all website users to optimize our websites and to understand website traffic patterns.

In some cases, we do associate the information we collect using cookies and other technology with a unique identifier. Our PIng Identity Privacy Policy governs how we use this personal information.

We do not sell any personal information for monetary consideration. We do share personal information for online targeted advertising, including cross-contextual behavioral advertising, as indicated in the chart in our Privacy Policy. You can opt-out of this sharing at any time by exercising Your Privacy Choices.

This Cookies and Online Privacy Statement provides more information about our collection and use of Online and Technical Information.

We collect personal information and non-personal information using cookies. A “cookie” is a text file that websites send to a website visitor’s computer or device to uniquely identify the visitor’s web browser and to store information or settings in the browser. You can control cookies by changing your browser’s setting.

Our websites use four kinds of cookies:

When you visit our websites, we will always place strictly necessary cookies. You have choices about preference, statistics and marketing cookies. You can use our Cookie Management Platform to control which of these cookies you wish to accept or to reject all non-necessary cookies. If you exercise your rights to tell us not to sell/share your information to not to use your information for online targeted advertising, we will refrain from placing third party performance cookies and advertising cookies on your browser.

Our websites use Pixel Tags. Pixel tags, also known as tracking pixels, web beacons or clear GIFs, are tools used to transmit information to our service providers’ or partners' servers. When you visit a website or open an email that contains a web beacon, that tool will instruct your browser to transmit information such as your IP address, device details, time of the activity, and nature of the activity (e.g., email read, web pages visited) to us. These tools allow us to measure response to our communications and to improve our websites. They also enable partners to compile information about your browsing activity on the websites for personalization and online targeted advertising. If you exercise your rights to tell us not to share your information or not to use your information for online targeted advertising, we will refrain from placing pixel tags on your browser.

Our websites may use other tracking methods. Our websites may use other types of tracking and analytics tools, such as keystroke analytics. These tools allow us to recognize devices, even if you have rejected cookies, but they are only used for security and fraud detection purposes. For example, we use these tools to detect bots and other threats. We do not sell or share the information collected using these tools, and we do not use this information for online targeted advertising.

Our websites collect personal information using Server Logs. A server log is a text file that records activities on our web services. When you visit a website, we log the date and time of your visit, the device you use to access our website, your operating system type, browser type, domain, and other system settings, as well as the language your system uses and the country and time zone where your device is located. Our server logs also record the IP address of the device you use to connect to the Internet. An IP address is a unique identifier that devices use to identify and communicate with each other on the Internet. We may also collect information about the website you were visiting before you came to Ping Identity and the website you visit after you leave our site. We use this information in aggregate, such as to analyze website traffic patterns and to better understand website user behavior generally. We also use the information for security purposes, to detect threats, and for fraud prevention. For example, we may block login attempts coming from countries where we do not do business. We do not sell or share the information collected by our logs, and we do not use this information for online targeted advertising.

Our websites use third party analytics services, such as Google Analytics. Analytics services help us understand how people use our websites. In some cases, these services are provided by companies that act as service providers for us, meaning that they do not use the information collected for their own purposes. In other cases, the company may combine information collected from users of our websites with information collected from other websites. You have the right to opt-out of having your data combined by these third parties. You can use our Cookie Management Platform to reject all non-necessary cookies. If you exercise your rights to tell us not to sell/share your information for online targeted advertising, we will also refrain from placing third party cookies on your browser.

Additional information about the third party analytics companies that collect data on our websites:

Our websites integrate with Social Media Platforms. Our websites may enable you to interact with us and others via social media platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn and Instagram. We may also allow you to login to our websites using social media platform credentials. While we respect each social media platforms' privacy policies, we may collect personal information about you and your friends if you choose to use these tools. If you engage with our content on or through a social media site, you may allow us to have access to certain information associated with your social media account (e.g., name, username, email address, profile picture).

Additionally, social media platforms collect persistent identifiers through your browser or mobile operating system, so they may collect information about your use of our websites. If you have previously provided personally identifiable information to these platforms, the platform operators may recognize you here. Your use of social network plugins is subject to each social media site’s privacy policy. For more information, please read the privacy policies posted by the social media platforms that you use.

We may also display interest-based ads to you when you are using social media platforms. These platforms allow us to personalize the ads that we display to you. We may convert your email address into a unique number which can be matched by the platform with its user to allow delivery of the advertising. You can opt-out of online targeted advertising by exercising Your Privacy Choices.

Your Privacy Choices

Welcome to the Ping Identity privacy rights portal. This page tells you how to exercise your privacy rights with respect to the personal information that we collect for our own business purposes.

If you have more than one email address or if you have changed your email address, please email for assistance with changing your marketing preferences. You can also visit our Email Preference Center. Also, please note that even if you opt-out of commercial emails, we may still need to contact you with important transactional information about your account.

Customer Data Privacy Statement

This privacy notice applies to the personal information processed by Ping Identity in the course of providing identity and access management solutions to our customers, (collectively, “Customer Data”). Ping Identity is committed to protecting the privacy and security of all Customer Data that we process as a “data processor” or “service provider/contractor” to its customers.

Please be assured that we only use personal information in Customer Data as needed to:

We do not sell, share or use Customer Data for targeted marketing purposes. This means that we do not select or deliver ads to you on our products platforms based on Customer Data. We may deliver generic or contextual ads to you while you use our products or platforms, but we do not target these ads based on your usage of our products or platforms over time.

All Customer Data may be disclosed to our customer. We may also disclose Customer Data with our affiliates, which only use the Customer Data for the purposes listed above, and with our service providers and contractors, who are bound by law or contract to protect the Customer Data and only use it as needed to provide the services requested. We will also disclose Customer Data when required by law, such as in response to a subpoena, including to law enforcement agencies and courts in the United States and other countries where we operate.

No mobile information, including text messaging originator opt-in data and consent, will be shared with third parties/affiliates for marketing/promotional purposes.

If you have questions about your privacy rights, please contact the company with whom you have a direct relationship. If you believe that Ping Identity has not handled your personal information properly, you may also contact the Ping Identity Privacy Office via email to

Supplemental Privacy Statements

You will find the following policies on our Supplemental Privacy Policy page: